We decorated the tree over Thanksgiving weekend. I hope it lives until Christmas! Makana and Daddy topped it with an angel. The next morning I went downstairs to make coffee and found the tree on its side. Luckily I was able to repair most of the broken ornaments and I may repurchase the one Barbie that was irrepairably broken on ebay. We recieved Pre-approval to adopt He Zhang Da, now we wait until we get the Letter of Acceptance and then we wait again for Travel Approval. I spend way too much time thinking about him and wishing we were in China already. I have been sick and I had Cody here after her reduction surgery, so I was caring for her too. I finally got Makana's hair cut. I love it long, but it needed a trim and she always has so much new growth under the long part that we cut it to make it thicker. The new hair place was great, she got to wear a pink princess cape, got glitter hairspray, a pink lollipop and sparkly pink and purple stars on her face. Mom bought her a new crown as well, what more can a princess to be ask for? I had taken pics that morning before school too, so I have before and after pics! I think we will go somewhere to take Christmas picutes today so that I can get those ordered and cards sent out! Oh and we bought an elf on the shelf who watches Makana's behavior and reports to Santa every night, very nice! Now if she would only tell mom what she wants from Santa!
Your little girl is so adorable! She looks close in age to our youngest, Maya, who came home in 2006 from Guangxi province.
Your Makana looks like she'll have a wonderful Christmas!
well, here i had your blog saved all along!! love the pics, god she is SO adorable!
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