Sometimes I'd like to ask God why He allows poverty, famine and injustice when He could do something about it. But I'm afraid God might ask me the same question.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Makana wants to be a dog
Our new thing is to pretend that we are a dog. it is getting a bit out of hand as Makana bites, licks, and now wants to spend as much time as possible in the dog kennel. She likes it best if both Duke and Nalu are in there with her. Nalu is in there almost full time these days recovering from her surgery, but Makana likes to go in and put Duke in there with them. Yesterday she started laughing and then told me she licked Duke on the back. Disgusting! Seriously, she cries when we tell her no. I finally got up the nerve to take some pictures of it, but I am worried that we will get a visit about child abuse so I try to discourage her! In public she will ask if she can go in the kennel when she gets home! This morning she was trying to pet Nalu through the bars and she got her arm stuck! She was more scared than anything, she went in past her elbow, bent the elbow and then could not figure out how to get her arm out! I will post some pics I took last night, but I please don't call the child abuse hotline, we don't leave her locked in there, though according to her she would prefer that to day care! Hey, we could save a lot of money that way.....
Potty humor is also rampant in our house. She usually sings Mama Mia songs, or something from a Disney movie, but lately everything is poop. Just now she was listening to the song about Pooh and the Super Sleuths and replaced all the words with "poop". Oh boy!
The beautiful flower picture was taken in my yard yesterday. When I tried to take one more pic Kona walked up to it and I thought I would get a cute pic of my puppy and the flower, instead she ate the bottom three petals right off. That is just one example of why Gil calls her Bruno. Of course when the other dogs start barking at someone at the door or whatever she runs to hide behind me.
I am a wife to Gil, my wonderful "local boy", mother to Makana and Nainoa. We live in the Denver area now, but never forget Hawaii. Our feet may be in the snow of Colorado, but our hearts are with the rainbows of Hawaii.
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